PDF to Image using PDFlite.co

Just like converting an image into a PDF, converting a PDF to an image is easy with PDFlite.co. It is a platform that gives a user access to several other conversion tools such as PDF merging, form filling, and more. In addition, this tool can convert PDF to text online. Despite all the tools a user can access, the services on this website are free. Plus, there is a plugin that allows for easy accessibility.

About PDF and Image

A PDF file is a type of document that has been in use for several years. Many users especially professionals prefer to use a PDF to present all forms of information. The way this file is built allows for such a configuration. Therefore, images, text, and almost all types of multimedia files can be embedded into a PDF. Additionally, there are several applications in existence that can easily create such a file document.

Similarly, an image is a form of a file. However, it stores information as a fixed image of anything. Once created, an image is multifunctional. Just like a physical image, an electronic image comes in different formats. Each type of image has a slightly different makeup and provides a different experience to the user. With the help of PDFlite.co, anyone can convert a PDF into an image.

Converting a PDF to an Image

To begin the process of converting a PDF to an image, the PDFlite.co website must be accessed. The landing page of this website gives a user several options to select from.

PDF to Image Online

The snapshot above shows how the PDF document can be uploaded. Clicking this option opens to file and allows a user to select the file to be converted.

PDF to Image Free Online

From the image above, all the pages of the PDF automatically appear. There are two options to convert a PDF to an image. A user can click the option ‘save page as jpg’ to download a single page as an image. Alternatively, they can select the pages they want to be converted and then click ‘Convert To Images and Save’ to have the images downloaded. Similar steps are followed when converting a PDF file to JSON and more.

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