PDF to Text using PDFlite.co

The PDFlite.co website can be used to convert a PDF file into a text file. It also allows for the conversion and manipulation of PDF files and several other documents including conversion from PDF to image. Using this service does not cost a dime. It also has a plugin that lets easy accessibility for users.

About PDF and Text

Since the creation of the PDF file, it has been redesigned and developed to bring it to what it is today. This file document is ideal for professional use. It is also used by millions of people that like how it works. Within a PDF file, information such as graphics, multimedia, and text can be kept. Additionally, a PDF document can serve as a form. Tools like PDFlite.co will allow for the filling and signing of a PDF document. An individual can search through the text that is within a PDF file. Text, on the other hand, is a form of a character or number that allows for reading. Text comes in different sizes, shapes, and fonts. For example, this article is written with text. With the help of the tool within PDFlite.co app, a user can quickly and easily convert a PDF file into text.

Converting a PDF to Text

The process of converting a PDF to text begins when PDFlite.co is accessed by the user. Selecting the highlighted option leads to where a user can upload the PDF file. Below is the snapshot of how to upload the PDF.

PDF to Text Online

The image above shows how to upload the PDF file. It also shows that images in different forms can be uploaded to be converted to text.

PDF to Text Free Online

The snapshot above shows all the pages of the PDF file. The user can either select the ‘Auto-detect’ option or ‘Force OCR’ as desired. Also, selecting the option ‘Extract and Show Text’ on each document page preview the text before extraction. Selecting ‘Save Page as TXT’ converts and downloads the PDF to the text of a single page. Selecting multiple pages and clicking ‘Save Selected Pages’ converts and downloads the selected pages.

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